Monday, December 1, 2008

I have arrived...

Madras has always beckoned. With a long delayed arrival, I finally felt the sweat trickling down my forehead. It was a sign of the times that Im sure are to follow- the really tought task of catching up with my team and (damn it0 i have to use a cliche here) leaving my %$^%^print.
Nevermind the fact that I landed up here knowing not where I'd stay, considering the person in obvious reference was amusing himself with the ways of little known tribals near the town of Tirunelveli. Nevermind the fact that I landed up here with 4 days to go for footprints. Nevermind the fact that I had NO CLUE about what was going on. Quite simply, nevermind. I realised that tonnes needed to be done and that all the wacko meetings over the last few months were finally boiling down to these four days.
Footprints is almost here, with all the expectations you can possibly have. Quite honestly, it is the one forum where all they are essentially trying to convey is the need for us to talk. And how.
These four days will be a test. At a time when the country burns, fuelled by its own problems, we will be faced with a barrage of cancelled commitments, delays, agony and at times, desperation. But SIMC, for all its accolades and detractions alike, teaches you two things: set- backs arent what they seem and things will always take a turn for the better. Rather, we'll ensure it happens that way.

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