Sunday, November 30, 2008

Yet another day....

Well.... thanks to the rain goddess 'Dedopani' ( ref: Nishant's post on, all the schools and colleges have been closed for a while. Hence, We decided to target the malls and randomly approach people and talk to them about the event. We did get some semi-positive responses.... (yay for that).... but hardly sold a few tickets..... yet again, thanks to the rain goddess :) :) :) :)....( poor thing)!!!!

Anyway, we did end up making fools out of ourselves ( not me actually..... jus a few of them). The team coordinator ....Ruhi decided that she would be different from the rest and run down an escalator which was going up. unfortunately her efforts went down the drain. She HAAADDDD to go with the flow and realised that she isn't Rajnikanth..... Hence she took the stairs and came down after going up.

After these trips to all the malls, we have decided to create a website no its not a porn site! Its a site about Nishant Shah.... who somehow happens to know all the women of Chennai... Hugss them and says 'didiiiiii....long time'.... ofcourse the girl has to squint her eyes to make eye contact with him coz of his bangs :) :).... The bangs and his CONTACTS do come in handy at times and we're very thankful for that.

Sneha.... if guys fall for u and offer to help us out wid the event, girls fall for nishant's bangs.... beat that! muwuhahaha!

If any of u saw a guy wid bangs carrying a Giordano bag belonging to Fp: Team Chennai's Driver # 3* (Sneha Ramachandran), jumping across the granite dividers outside Kesar Gift Mart ( Our Gift sponsors- We thank them profusely) on cathedral road, with a beautiful plastic bouquet, that was Nishant Shah carrying the bouquet for his pocketful of sunshine.....
Well, we aren't sure if he bought it or shoplifted it, but he likes telling people he made it!


Sneha R Menon of the menon lineage....driver # 3 of Team Chennai ( TC) has been rated the second best drivers in the history of Footprints : The Chennai chapter ....( taking all the 8 years into consideration)... the best is the Shah boi! insists that the road rules are meant to be broken, insists that women above the age of 28 shouldn't be given a licence ( chauvenistic bugger yes....but what to do.... he has comes in handy....).

While Sneha thinks that her ottai maruti 800 is a sexxxyyy power-steering vehicle, Nishant nsists that he owns all the roads in Chennai.


Coming back to the promotions at malls, we did walk around carrying the posters facing the public and walking around. It did looks stupid, nobody looked but WE DIDN'T CARE! Anything for footprints. Go Footprints!!!! :D :D :D :D


We'd like to dedicate 'nenjukkul peidhidum' from Vaaranam Ayiram (1000 Elephants) to Nishant Shah and his Sunshine....


Congratulations Ruhi Jhunjhunwala for watching your 2nd Tamil film ( The first being Kuselan but i don't think u saw the film thanks to elements from Karnataka.... P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P .... oh... and R R R R .... but not that much!)
I shouldn't forget to add this....We have discovered that Nishant Shah has become one of the girls coz he has nice hair and it helps us.... its kinda better than sneha's charms.... or venky's voice.... It helps us to attract guys from loyola and somehow manages to convince them into buying tickets at 10:14pm at Sangam Cinemas..... bangs do help u know.... funnily enough, bangs on a guy seems to be helping us a lot!!!! Thanks Shah!!!! cool che!

If u think this post is very discontinuous and it doesn't make sense, too bad.... its the after effects of watching Vaaranam Aayiram!!!! :D :D :D :D


ps: Watch the movie....Surya is brilliant!!!! :D hott tooo! sigh!

* Driver # 1: Ruhi Jhunjhunwala
Driver # 2: Shilpa Natarajan
Driver # 3: Sneha Ramachandran
Driver # 4 ( Special Appearance...drove once): Renuka Sanji

Funnily enough, all the drivers have been women and no accidents have happened till now.... touch wood....
Bangs are the reason for accidents Nishant.... we know y u've had 3 accidents till now!!!!!

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